Feeding and Lactation Consults


Support for all stages

We’ve seen a lot and we’ve coached parents just like you through all kinds of feeding and lactation challenges.

  • Positioning and latch difficulties

  • Nipple pain and injuries

  • Low milk supply

  • Oversupply and fast letdown

  • Slow infant growth

  • Premature babies and NICU graduates

  • Twins and other multiples

  • Tongue and lip ties and post-revision care

  • Discontinuing nipple shields

  • Transitioning from bottles to direct breastfeeding

  • Introducing bottles

  • Pump flange sizing

  • Plugged ducts and mastitis

  • Weaning and stopping milk production

There’s a lot about parenting that’s tougher than it looks, and having professional support can make all the difference!


“My baby breastfeeds for a really long time. He never seems satisfied. I'm worried he's not getting enough.”

Your MilkMatters Lactation Consultant will bring a special infant scale to your consult. We can weigh your baby to see how he’s growing and measure how much he takes in during a breastfeed. We’ll show you ways to evaluate how well your baby is feeding so you can feel confident even after we’ve left your home.

“In the hospital, we started supplementing and pumping, but it’s exhausting. I don’t know if this is what we should still be doing, but I don’t think I can keep it up much longer!”

A lot changes in the first few days at home! Your MilkMatters Lactation Consultant will work with you to develop a clear plan so you know just what to do. A written Care Plan will be accessible to you through our parent portal for reference after our visit, and we will send a report to you pediatrician so your entire healthcare team can be on the same page.

“I’ve tried getting help with this problem before, but I keep getting different advice. Maybe this is just how it’s supposed to be? Maybe I’m just not trying hard enough?”

There are different levels of lactation support. Maybe you’ve already searched the internet, sought advice from friends, asked your provider, and even worked with another lactation specialist. If your problem has not resolved, an in-depth evaluation from a MilkMatters Lactation Consultant may be your next step.